
Colors of South Iceland

Recent two weeks Best Travel drove three times along the South of Iceland and in a short time more will follow. The change in colors is surprizing and it’s fantastic to see how the landscape looks every time otherwise and … Continue reading


Adventures on 4×4 Mantra

Actually our 4×4 Mantra has adventures days during another Kräftespiel der Elemente Tour. It gives Best Travel the chance to maximize the given program and we don’t hesitate to experience special places without distroying any nature.


Whale watching by jeep

Normally whale watching tours are done by boats but it can happen you see suddenly a whale from shore. Yesterday we got a special experience.


Puffins have arrived

To say goodbye to the Northern Lights and the arrival of several bird species goes hand in hand. The most popular seabird in Iceland, the puffin has arrived. The puffins live at sea for about seven month but in spring … Continue reading