Officially summer started yesterday if we use the old nordic calendar and the nights are getting brighter and brighter. We have to say goodbye to the northern lights until end of August. Surprisingly we were and are more busy than expected and can’t find much time to feed our website. But it’s no wonder our busses have been seen on the run. Our friends Ursula and Markus just drove to their summerhouse when they recognized our logo on the bus driving in their front. Yes, we were on Golden Circle tour that day but we were almost everywhere around Iceland the last two month. Meanwhile tires are changed and we are looking forward to our summer tours. Will you be with us? How ever, we wish gledilegt sumar og takk fyrir veturin – happy summer!
It can happen we drive unexpected passengers! On one South Coast tour we found a stranded cod at Black Beach. We took it with us, full of sand as we met it. Most of the sand was washed down when cleaning the bus. At home we took the rest of the black sand and cutted it in pieces, glad to have the knowledge of earlier decades at sea. Now we are happy to have fish in freezer when coming late home of long tour days.