
Private tour for travel start

Eruption visit by helicopter in evening hours. 30.04.2021

Our guests are meanwhile safely home again but we are still thinking about the wonderful private tour we had! Let’s hope this is really the kick off for traveling again. Thanks to the active volcano in our neighborhood three persons from Switzerland contacted Best of Iceland about the possibilities and left from home just few days later. Continue Reading →


Meet the volcanic eruption

On the eruption site at Geldingadalur in twilight. 14.04.2021

After an endless amount of earthquakes the 19th of March 2021 a first fissure opened and glowing lava started to float in Geldingadalur on Reykjanes peninsula. It fits well into the quite steady eruption schedule in Iceland and turns out to be a unique event where no people are in danger or harmed in unsettled landscape. Continue Reading →


Happy Easter – gledilega Paska

Icelandic easter chocolate eggs at the supermarket. 27.03.2021

Happy Easter! Easter is on and it’s really time to wake up the website again and feed with new reports. Here in Iceland many chocolate eggs are sold for Easter in various sizes. They are filled with sweeties and a note with a proverb or a wish. Continue Reading →


Merry Christmas and a bright New Year!

Christmas wishes 2020 of Best Travel & Best of Iceland

Christmas wishes 2020 of Best Travel & Best of Iceland

It started well and nobody was aware of what would happen in 2020. The whole world ran into a situation we never had before and we are still learning to fight the Corona virus. Our vehicles were not often on tour but some little business was possible and we are very greatful for this. Continue Reading →