Best Travel is looking forward to the arrival of the newest vehicle. The brand new Mercedes Sprinter has left Poland last Monday by ship and is actually sailing towards Reykjavik harbour. Up to this moment Best Travel was with 4×4 cars and a specialist for tours into difficult landscape. Now there is a chance for small groups up to 20 person to travel convenient in a new bus to many destinations in Iceland where 4×4 is not needed. There are a lot of new Sprinters to see in Iceland and you might ask why Best Travel isn’t working with stylish dark windows. The experienced owners took notice of their guests having all day a close look to Icelands fascinating landscape and taking pictures out of the bus. The windows on the new bus were specially ordered to please the visitors even on a Northern Light Tour. There is definitely more to see through.
The new Mercedes Sprinter is arriving the next days, more informations will be published here but tours can already be ordered. You want to be among the first? Send your request to