Isn’t it a fantastic photo motive? And today Budarkirkja looked even nicer and just in black and white. I’m talking about the wooden church in Budir on Snaefellsnes peninsula. On Easter day we like to have some spring feeling but winter fits very well to this old church and the grey sky makes it perfect and some kind of dramatic, doesn’t it? Sometimes nice pictures can be taken without sunshine and blue sky!
Budir is nowadays not just a peaceful place, it’s a popular wedding church and with the very comfort of a hotel just beside but nothing more. It’s wonderful to walk through the sandy dunes to the bright beach with black lava rocks. There are even old ruins from the 16th century to find from the time when the place was used as a trading post. It’s said about one hundred lived here during this time. The first church was built in 1703 from a Danish merchant and stood here to 1816. Budarkirkja was rebuilt 1848 at the same place but was moved in one peace during the last renewing in 1986 and consecrated in 1987. It’s one of Iceland’s oldest wooden churches and is a protected buiding. The door is most of the time closed. Inside the church you can find older parts. The hotel owns the key.